Sunday, February 14, 2010

Resistance Calc Pokemon Physics/Pre Calc Help!?

Physics/Pre Calc help!? - resistance calc pokemon

You stand on a building that is 48 meters high. You throw a ball upwards at a speed of 32 meters per second.
a. Write describe FNC-model, the height h (t) of the ball. You can assume that the height of the hand the ball instead of exactly 48 feet, without the effects of air resistance.
---- For my answer to that I: h (t) =- 16t ^ 2 + 32t +48. Our teacher gave us, dass

b. Suppose you have thrown the ball. If the ball into the building. Express your answer in seconds since the start of the ball.
------ To this end I have inserted 3 seconds above the FNC, and 0 for H (3).

c. Suppose the ball narrowly missing the building on the descent. After how many seconds after releasing the ballN is on the floor?

Thank you to everyone who can help you!


mani m said...

The problem can be formulated by the following equation
= U + V where V is the final speed (0), U is the initial velocity (32 ft / sec) and following the acceleration of gravity and negative (-9.8 m / s 2) and T is the time to time, I hope I can be calculated

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